Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Busy Week With PAT

We have been kind of busy at the Madden house lately. On Tuesday, B and B had their Denver Screening Test with Parents as Teachers. They did really well and are right on track and ahead of their age in some areas. I had to laugh when Patty gave them a baby doll and told them to feed it a bottle. Brynn grabbed the bottle and tried to feed the baby in her belly button:) I can't believe I don't have any baby dolls and bottles for Brynn to play with. On Wednesday night, we attended Tumbling With Toddlers through PAT. They had all kinds of things for toddlers; a huge parachute, trampoline, giant building blocks, bowling, tunnels, etc. It was great to have a wide open gym for them to run in, and boy, did they opposite directions, of course! I tried to get them to run to Daddy under the parachute, but they wouldn't. All they wanted to do was play with the bowling balls and jump on the trampoline. I was really glad we finally got to attend some of the PAT activities since they are mostly held when I am at work. We signed a lease on a rental house in Independence this weekend. I am looking forward to having a shorter drive to work and to be in a new area of the city. We have taken over a couple loads of stuff, but are planning the big move on Saturday. Man, I am not looking forward to that. On a side note, Brynn made her first 911 call Friday afternoon. Bryan said he got a call from the Raymore Police Department asking if everything was okay because they received a call and all they heard was kids laughing in the background. We are not at all surprised that Brynn was the culprit between the two:)

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