Sunday, June 14, 2009


A quick update on everything...we have received an offer on our house, but are waiting to see if our mortgage company will accept the offer. We probably won't know anything until the middle of July. Keep the prayers coming that they accept the offer! I am continuing to work at KU and at Mercy, as of now. It is quite the struggle to juggle life in general, so we will see. Bryan has been busy at his job and pulling in some long days. Hopefully, he continues to stay busy! The twins are starting to want to stand and walk with us holding their hands. Bryan and I continue to enjoy them holding their own bottles, however I am missing that cuddle time during feedings. Brynn will still let me hold her and cuddle, but Brody just squirms to get away when you try to hold him. He has too much to do to sit still! I am realizing how fast the time is going, so I really cherious those cuddle moments. They still aren't crawling and we think they will probably walk before they crawl! They are eating more and more table food everyday. Brynn is a lot more picky than Brody. They have been getting upset when one gets a bottle and the other doesn't and they take bottles away from each other, so we have been giving them bottles at the same time whether they are actually hungry or not. That seems to keep everyone happy and everyone fed:)

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